Senior Brokerage and Marketing Coordinator, Minneapolis
How long have you worked in CRE?
8 years
Tenure with TW?
6 years
How did you get your start in the industry?
I worked in residential title for four years and a friend told me about an opening at CBRE working with its downtown office team. In 2014, I left CBRE with Reed Christianson and Erin Fitzgerald to start Transwestern’s Minneapolis office advisory team and now I support a team of 10 brokers.
What deal or
project are you most proud of?
The Baker Center renovation project
I am the administrator for the SIOR Minnesota and Dakotas chapter with over 85
Favorite TYP event?
Aeon Bowling! It has been such a fun project to run and watch grow over the years, and we raise thousands of dollars every year for a great cause.
Interests/hobbies outside of work?
Hiking, cabin life, exploring new trails with my dog and cooking. I just bought a paddle board, so I am looking forward to start exploring more lakes.
Favorite spot in your city?
Anywhere with a patio and a cold drink.
If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be?
Albus Dumbledore
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve been given?
Be a voice. Not an echo.